Dancing for the World Documentary Short


With a full-time day job as the development director of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF), Janet Reineck’s life is pretty full. The organization keeps her busy developing awareness and fundraising campaigns to strengthen disaster preparedness in America by partnering rescued dogs with firefighters to find people buried alive in the wreckage of disasters. What most people may not know is that Reineck also founded her own nonprofit: World Dance for Humanity in Santa Barbara, CA. There, she teaches people of all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life how to dance. An anthropologist by trade, Reineck spent nearly a decade in Kosovo and traveling throughout Europe. She brings her world experience and philanthropic mindset to World Dance. All of the money students pay to take her classes is donated towards charitable projects in countries where she feels they can make an impact. By teaching her students world dance classes using music from around the world, Reineck is creating global awareness at home. This small, yet mighty organization has raised money in Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda and Nepal for organizations such as the Never Again Fellowship, Lumana, CAFWA, Children’s Medical Aid and Sarah House. Additionally, her classes have created a tightly-knit community of women who support and encourage each other and those new to the classes. My documentary short is a tribute to the impactful work World Dance contributes to small nonprofits globally.

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