Movement Storytelling


Do you remember when you were a little kid and you would run from place to place? Run, not walk. I remember. We used to live across the street from an 80 acre park. I couldn’t wait to get home from school to run to the park. One of my fondest memories is how much time me and my siblings would spend on the trapeze bars. It felt like nothing to us. We would jump up on benches and leap from the bench to the trapeze, swing to the other side and leap to the bench on that end. Blistered hands, tired arms, and we would do it over and over again. As adults, we start to lead a more and more sedentary lifestyle. Many of us get in our car, sit down, drive to work, take the elevator up to our office job, where we sit in front of a computer all day and then drive home again, make dinner and go to bed. I believe, in order to stay young, not just physically, but emotionally too (aka: young at heart), we need to keep moving. My friends Robert Carreiro and Niedra Gabriel do just that. They created an aerial circus class in Ojai, CA where they teach people how to move again. Combining yoga, pilates, gymnastics and circus, they use aerial conditioning and dance to help people find their inner child again. This is a short story about them.

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